Mealy Bugs can be controlled by using the following solutions:
Spray Jeevamrutam regularly.
Take 10 gram dried pods of babul tree.
Make powder of the pods alongwith the seeds
Take 1 litre of water in a vessel and mix the powder in the water thoroughly.
Keep it in shade for 2 hours.
Filter the solution using a cloth.
Mix the filtered solution with 200 litres of water and use it for 1 acre.
Do not use electric mixer grinder for making powder. Use mortal and pestle.
Solution 1:
Spray Jeevamrutam regularly.
Solution 2:
Step 1:
Take 10 gram dried pods of babul tree.
Step 2:
Make powder of the pods alongwith the seeds
Step 3:
Take 1 litre of water in a vessel and mix the powder in the water thoroughly.
Step 4:
Keep it in shade for 2 hours.
Step 5:
Filter the solution using a cloth.
Step 6:
Mix the filtered solution with 200 litres of water and use it for 1 acre.
Do not use electric mixer grinder for making powder. Use mortal and pestle.