Jeevamurtam is a ocean of microbes which when irrigated into the farm increases humus and activities of living organisms in the soil. Jeevamrutam when used as a foilar spray, plays an important role in promoting growth & providing immunity to the plant.
Jeevamrutam can be used in the farm by way of mixing it with the irrigation water or pouring the liquid on the soil manually or by foilar spray or pouring it straight on the ground during rainy season.
When mixing with irrigation water or spreading on the farm soil manually 200 litres of jeevamrutam should be used for 1 acre, once every month.
Materials required:
- Water
- Cow urine (25 ml to 50 ml per litre of water)
- Cow dung (50 g per litre of water)
- Black jaggery, also known as gur (5 g per litre of water) or Sugarcane juice (20 ml to 40 ml per litre of water) or Sugarcane pieces (50 g per litre of water) or pulp of any sweet fruit like ripened chikoo, papaya, banana etc (5 g per litre of water)
- Pulse flour, also known as besan of pulses like chawdi, tur, chana or urad (5 g per litre of water). Flour of Green Peas, Soyabean & Groudnut should not be used since they contain higher percentage of oil.
- Handful of soil from farm dykes, farm bunds, ensure that there is no stones.
Procedure (as suggested by Shri Subhash Palekar):
Step 1:
Mix all the ingredients in a plastic or cement tank. Ensure that there is no lumps of cow dung or the pulse flour. Use wooden stick for mixing the ingredients. The stick should be moved clockwise while mixing so that positive energy is circulated in the mixture.
Step 2:
Cover the tank with gunny bag or poly net. Tank should be in shade and ensure the tank is not exposed to direct sunlight or rain water.
Step 3:
Every morning and in the evening mix the Jeevamrutam for 1 minute using the wooden stick.
Step 4:
After 48 to 72 hours Jeevamrutam is ready for usage. Filter the solution and keep the filtered liquid in glass or plastic bottle or tank for usage.
Step 5:
Pour same amount of water again in the sludge that is leftover in the tank after filtering the liquid. Keep this for another 48 hours and a second batch of Jeevamrutam is ready.
Step 6:
After second batch use the spread in the farm.
Preparation Time:
48 to 72 hours
Shelf life:
8 to 15 days. Use the jeevamrutam within 8 days of preparation. After 7 days the smell from Jeevamrutam will increase because of too many microbes which are present in the liquid. Jeevamrutam should not be used post 15 days.
Jeevamrutam can be used in the farm by way of mixing it with the irrigation water or pouring the liquid on the soil manually or by foilar spray or pouring it straight on the ground during rainy season.
When mixing with irrigation water or spreading on the farm soil manually 200 litres of jeevamrutam should be used for 1 acre, once every month.
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