
Wednesday, 19 July 2017

Bhramhastra # Missile against sucker & large sized stem, fruit & pod borer

Bhramhastra is a very powerful missile against larger pests like stem borer, fruit borer & pod borer.

The solution can be prepared inhouse by the farmers.

Materials required:

  • Cow urine (go mutra)
  • Crushed neem leaves (with thin stems) or neem seed powder @ 100g per litre of cow urine.
  • Crushed karanj (Pongamia pinnata) leaves @ 100g per litre of cow urine.
  • Crushed sitaphal (Custard apple) leaves @ 100g per litre of cow urine.
  • Crushed arandi (Castor) leaves @ 100g per litre of cow urine.
  • Crushed dhotura leaves @ 100g per litre of cow urine.

Procedure (as suggested by Shri Subhash Palekar):

Step 1:

Mix all the ingredients in a earthen pot. Use wooden stick for mixing the ingredients. The stick should be moved clockwise while mixing so that positive energy is circulated in the mixture.

Step 2:

Boil the solution.

Step 3:

Cover the pot with gunny bag or poly net. Tank should be in shade and ensure the tank is not exposed to direct sunlight or rain water. Let the mixture ferment for 48 hours.

Step 4:

Stir the solution clockwise using a wooden stick 2 times a day for 1 min.

Step 4:

After 48 hours filter the solution and and store bhramhastra in bottle.

Preparation Time:

48 hours

Shelf life:

6 months.


The solution should be sprayed on the infected plants. For foilar spray use 3% bhramhastra with water. If the infestation is high then you can use 4% solution. For 1 acre mix 6 to 8 litres of bhramhastra with 200 litres of water and spary on the plants.


Crush the neem leaves & other plant leaves using sil-batta (baton).

Use cow urine of desi cows only.

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